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Joie de vivre without crossing the pond: Montréal, Canada

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A warm “Bonjour!” as we entered the auberge reminded us that we needn’t cross the pond
to experience European ambience. A flower-bedecked horse-drawn calèche clip-clopped on
the cobblestone street, passengers rapt with the romance of the moment.

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Quebec City’s 400th Anniversary Celebration

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We were there for the largest celebration of military music in North America, the 10th Annual edition of the Quebec City International Festival of Military Bands. The world’s best military bands captivated the crowds in a series of special events, concerts, and a military tattoo held throughout the city.

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Îles de la Madeleine: The Magdalen Islands

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The heat wave at home made us even more appreciative of the gentle cooling breezes on the beach in the Magdalen Islands. We were told National Geographic named it one of the top beaches in the world, yet on this sunny 70-something degree day in June we had it all to ourselves.

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