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New London, Connecticut: fish and ships and so much more

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New London, Connecticut’s location just off Route 95 makes “The Whaling City” a convenient place to visit, whether for a few hours, a weekend getaway, or for a stay long enough to take in the best of the area’s maritime attractions and rich heritage.

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Joie de vivre without crossing the pond: Montréal, Canada

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A warm “Bonjour!” as we entered the auberge reminded us that we needn’t cross the pond
to experience European ambience. A flower-bedecked horse-drawn calèche clip-clopped on
the cobblestone street, passengers rapt with the romance of the moment.

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Quebec City: French culture without the transatlantic flight

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The flight from Boston was just an hour—and voila! We were sipping café au lait on Grand Allée, this continent’s Champs Elysées, in the capital of the province of Quebec, the cradle of French civilization in the Americas, swept up in the city’s romance and Old World charm.

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